
'व्यसनाला असलेली भिकार प्रतिष्ठा सगळ्यांना घेऊन बुडणार'

दारुची दुकाने सुरु होणार म्हणून सकाळपासूनच मोठ्या रांगा लागल्या होत्या

May 4, 2020, 08:12 PM IST
 Ratnagiri Migrant Worker And People Long Que At Civil Hospital For Fitness Certificate To Go Village PT1M53S

रत्नागिरी | जिल्हा रुग्णालयावर अतिरिक्त ताण

Ratnagiri Migrant Worker And People Long Que At Civil Hospital For Fitness Certificate To Go Village

May 4, 2020, 02:50 PM IST
Wardha Migrant Worker And People Crowded At Collector Office For Fitness Certificate To Go Village PT2M16S

वर्धा | जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालयात नागरिकांची गर्दी

Wardha Migrant Worker And People Crowded At Collector Office For Fitness Certificate To Go Village

May 4, 2020, 02:45 PM IST
Pune People Waiting In Que For Wine Shop To Open PT2M16S

पुणे | दारुच्या दुकानाबाहेर रांगाच रांगा

Pune People Waiting In Que For Wine Shop To Open

May 4, 2020, 02:05 PM IST
Kalyan People Crowded And Waiting In Long Que Outside Wine Shop To Open PT1M41S

कल्याण | दारु विकत घेण्यासाठी तळीरामांची गर्दी

Kalyan People Crowded And Waiting In Long Que Outside Wine Shop To Open

May 4, 2020, 01:40 PM IST
Mumbai Police Taking Action On People Standing In Que At Wine Shop Without Social Distancing PT4M

मुंबई | मद्यपींच्या गर्दीवर पोलिसांची कारवाई

Mumbai Police Taking Action On People Standing In Que At Wine Shop Without Social Distancing

May 4, 2020, 10:55 AM IST
Nashik People Not Serious On Social Distancing And Coronavirus PT2M28S
 Mumbai Malad Migrant People Reaction On Getting Fitness Certificate PT1M4S

मुंबई | मालाडमध्ये परप्रांतीय मजुरांच्या रांगा

Mumbai Malad Migrant People Reaction On Getting Fitness Certificate

May 3, 2020, 04:10 PM IST
Nanded And Punjab People Affected By Corona As Both States Blame Each Other PT2M11S

नांदेड | पंजाबमध्ये गेलेल्या अनेक भाविकांना कोरोना

Nanded And Punjab People Affected By Corona As Both States Blame Each Other

May 2, 2020, 08:45 PM IST
Amravati Melghat People Daily Struggle For Water PT2M41S

अमरावती | पाण्यासाठी जीवघेणी कसरत

Amravati Melghat People Daily Struggle For Water

Apr 29, 2020, 10:35 PM IST
Nanded More Than 3K Punjab People Stuck In Gurudwara Moved To Punjab PT2M11S

नांदेड | ३ हजारहून अधिक शीख बांधवांची घरवापसी

नांदेड | ३ हजारहून अधिक शीख बांधवांची घरवापसी

Apr 27, 2020, 10:10 PM IST

Lockdown : किमान सकारात्मकता पसरवूया; मराठमोळ्या अभिनेत्याचा आग्रही संदेश

लॉकडाऊन जेव्हा केव्हा संपेल आणि आपण सर्वजण बाहेरच्या जगात येऊ तेव्हा... 

Apr 27, 2020, 01:32 PM IST
Nashik People With Orange Ration Card Will Also Get Ration As Wheat And Dal Will Also Get With Rice PT2M30S

पुणे | रेशनिंगवर गहू, तांदळासोबत डाळही मिळणार

Nashik People With Orange Ration Card Will Also Get Ration As Wheat And Dal Will Also Get With Rice

Apr 26, 2020, 11:45 PM IST