
NHM UP Recruitment 2021: Apply for 2,980 Lab Technician, STS, other vacancies, details here

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: The recruitment drive will fill a total of 2980 Lab Technician, Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) and Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS) vacancies. 

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: Apply for 2,980 Lab Technician, STS, other vacancies, details here Representational image

New Delhi: National Health Mission Uttar Pradesh (NHM UP) has invited applications for Lab Technician, Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) and Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS) posts. Interested candidates can read the official notification on the UP NHM website at

The recruitment drive will fill a total of 2980 vacancies in NHM. The last day to apply for the posts is January 7, 2022.

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: How to apply

As per the official notification, “Online recruitment application is spread over different Modules/Sections designed to capture information of the candidates related to Personal Information, Contact details, Age, Educational Qualification and upload of relevant document etc. Details can be filled in multiple sessions after Registration. Before closing each session, applicants must save the information filled by clicking ‘Save’ button.” 

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: Selection process

Candidates will have to appear for Computer-based Test, the admission to which will be 'purely provisional'. “Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for document verification, if shortlisted,” the official notification read. 

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: Age limit

The age limit for all the posts is 40 years. 

NHM UP Recruitment 2021: Application fees

Candidates are not required to pay application fees. 

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