
Justin Timberlake obsessed with hardware

Justin Timberlake has developed an obsession with hardware as he is busy researching to develop a new homeware line, for which he has teamed with interior designer Estee Stanley.

Los Angeles: Actor-singer Justin Timberlake has developed an obsession with hardware as he is busy researching to develop a new homeware line, for which he has teamed with interior designer Estee Stanley.
"I will sit and I will look at hardware for hours. Literally, for hours, I`ll sit and compare hardware. The devil`s in the details. I mean, it`s your home, it has to be your own," quoted him as saying.
He insists everything in the collection for the online retailer is something Stanley and he would be happy to have in their own homes. "If we wouldn`t put it in our homes, we`re not going to ask people to put it in theirs. You don`t have to spend your whole bank account to make your home look amazing but also be comfortable and reliable," he said. IANS