
`Rise of the Guardians` to release Dec 21

Peter Ramsey`s ‘Rise of the Guardians’ is set to hit Indian screens Dec 21.

New Delhi: Peter Ramsey`s ‘Rise of the Guardians’ is set to hit Indian screens Dec 21.
Starring Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Isla Fisher and Jude Law, the movie tells the story of a group of heroes who are blessed with extraordinary abilities.
The film also offers a special treat for kids as they will see all their favourite childhood heroes Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Jack Frost get together in the same frame to fight a common enemy. While talking about his character Jack Frost, Pine said: "I think fears like any other kid has - the dark and being by yourself. It actually struck me while making this film that most of the fears you have when you`re a kid are to do with being alone, being on your own and not having the safety net of your parents or a support system..." "I like the pure heartedness and simplicity of the story. There`s an earnest quality to `Rise Of The Guardians` - there is a joy and belief in imagination," he added. IANS