
Myanmar court jails Suu Kyi for 6 years for corruption

The 77-year-old Nobel laureate and figurehead of Myanmar's opposition to military rule has been charged with at least 18 offences ranging from graft to election violations, carrying combined maximum jail terms of nearly 190 years.

Myanmar court jails Suu Kyi for 6 years for corruption

A court in military-ruled Myanmar sentenced deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi to six years in prison on Monday after finding her guilty in four corruption cases, a source with knowledge of the proceedings said.

The 77-year-old Nobel laureate and figurehead of Myanmar's opposition to military rule has been charged with at least 18 offences ranging from graft to election violations, carrying combined maximum jail terms of nearly 190 years.

Suu Kyi had called the accusations absurd and denies all charges against her.

She was found guilty on Monday of misusing funds from the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation - an organisation she founded promoting health and education - to build a home, and leasing government-owned land at a discounted rate, the source said.

Suu Kyi, who is being held in solitary confinement in a jail in the capital Naypyitaw, had already been sentenced to 11 years prison in other cases.