One of the largest domesticated cat breeds, weighting around 13 - 18 pounds and they are known for their friendly nature, long, shaggy fur, and large, tufted ears.
Siberian males weigh 15-20 pounds, with smaller females. They are known for their thick fur, robust build, and friendly, intelligent, and affectionate nature.
A docile and affectionate pet that weigh over 15-20 pounds and are known for their docile temperament, semi-long fur, and striking blue eyes.
A hybrid breed with wild ancestors, are tall, slender, and intelligent, weighing 12-25 pounds.
They weigh over 12-16 pounds and are known for its thick double coat, bushy tail, and sturdy build.
Weighing between 12-20 pounds are characterized by round faces, dense coats, and robust build known for their striking copper eyes and smiling expression.
They are known for their leopard-like spots and playful nature, weigh 10-15 pounds, have a sleek, muscular build, are intelligent, and enjoy interactive play.