8 Most Poisonous Animals In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 23, 2023


Each box jellyfish has more than 60 human deaths' worth of poison

Gila Monster

The Sonora state in northwest Mexico and the southwest United States are home to the deadly Gila monster species of lizard.

Funnel-Web Spider

Even though about 10% to 15% of bites from funnel-web spiders are poisonous, all bites should be handled as potentially life-threatening.

Cone Snail

Conus toxins can cause paralysis by affecting the nervous system, which can result in respiratory failure and death.


The most poisonous fish known is the stonefish, and people can die from its stings.

Inland Taipan

Its venom is the most toxic of all snakes. The School of Chemistry reported that 110mg was the highest yield ever measured (per bite). This indicates that a single bite might likely result in the death of over 100 persons or 250,000 mice.


One of the very few poisonous mammals is the platypus, a monotreme mammal found in Australia and Tasmania.

Slow Loris

They have poisonous oil-emitting glands behind their armpits, and when they lick those glands, their saliva mixes with the oil to create the venom.


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