7 Unsolved Mysteries Of Alien Life And Beyond

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 17, 2024

The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox wonders why haven't we seen any signs of aliens even if there are so many planets that could support life in the universe.

The Drake Equation

This is like a formula that the scientists use to guess how many smart aliens might be there in our galaxy.


Oummuamua is a strange object that passed through our galaxy in 2017. According to scientists it is shaped like a pancake and made the curious about its origin.

Fast Radio Bursts

They are the quick bursts of radio waves that come from the outer space. They are considered powerful and last just a fraction of a second.

The Wow Signal

The Big Ear Radio Telescope in the year 1977 detected a powerful radio signal. It was given the name WOW because the astronomer who discovered it wrote WOW on its printout.

Exoplanet Habitability

This is about finding planets outside our solar system that could support life. This all is done to discover the possibility of other places in the universe where life could exist.

The Search For Biosignatures

Scientists study things like gases in the atmosphere to search for signs of life on other planets or moons.


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