Often known as "the scaly anteater”, Pangolins lack teeth and instead use their powerful, sticky tongues to consume ants and termites.
Like the platypus, echidnas have no teeth. They use their long, sticky tongues to capture ants and termites, swallowing their food whole.
Platypuses, born with teeth, lose them as they mature and use horny pads in their mouths to grind up prey like insects and crustaceans.
Turtles have sharp, strong beaks instead of teeth, enabling them to crush various food sources such as plants, insects, and shellfish.
Baleen whales have baleen plates instead of teeth and filter tiny krill and plankton from the water, allowing the whales to feed efficiently.
Sea horses have no teeth or stomachs, they suck in small prey, such as plankton and tiny crustaceans, through their tube-like snouts.
Anteaters have long snouts without teeth. They utilize their lengthy, sticky tongues to grab ants and termites, which they then swallow whole.