10 Useful Korean Phrases For Tourists

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 29, 2023

Annyeonghaseyo - Hello!

A friendly greeting to initiate conversations, often accompanied by a slight bow for politeness, it is commonly used in various settings, from entering shops to meeting new acquaintances.

Kamsahamnida - Thank You!

Express gratitude with this phrase, acknowledging helpful gestures or services received during your travels. In Korea, politeness is highly valued, so using "kamsahamnida" demonstrates respect and appreciation.

Sillehhamnida - Excuse me/ Sorry

When seeking attention or apologizing, "sillehhamnida" is a versatile phrase for various situations.

Eodi-E-Yo - Where is it?

Use this phrase to ask for directions, whether you're looking for a specific location or a point of interest.

Myeot- Shi-E-Yo - What time is it?

Handy for scheduling activities or catching transportation, asking about the time ensures you stay on track. Combine with hand gestures for clarity, as numbers might be pronounced differently.

Hangugeo Mot Haeyo - I don't speak Korean?

If language barriers arise, politely convey that you don't speak Korean using this helpful phrase. Locals may appreciate your effort, and they might switch to English or use gestures to assist you.

Masisseoyo - It’s Delicious

Express delight in Korean cuisine by using "masisseoyo" after trying a tasty dish. Locals often appreciate visitors embracing their food culture with enthusiasm.

Ne - Yes

Confirmations are straightforward with "ne," making it a versatile affirmative response. Use it when agreeing, confirming orders, or acknowledging understanding.

Aniyo - No

When declining or expressing disagreement, "aniyo" is a simple yet essential term.

Yeogi Meomchwojuseyo - Please stop here

Use this phrase when using public transportation or taxis, ensuring a smooth and accurate journey.


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