6 fascinating facts about black holes

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 18, 2024

Albert Einstein rejected

Albert Einstein rejected the idea that black holes might exist

Closest Black Hole

The closest known black hole, called 1A 0620-00, is 3,000 lightyears away. You know our nearest stellar neighbour is 4.2 light-years away

First Blackhole Image (2019)

When the Event Horizon Telescope shared an image of M87*, a supermassive black hole 55 million light-years away

If Sun replace with a black hole

If you replaced the Sun with a black hole of the same mass, nothing would happen but, it would be a lot colder, and the planets would stay in the same orbits

You can’t leave

They are not wormholes (or Einstein-Rosen bridges), providing shortcuts between different points in space, once you’re in a black hole, you can’t leave

Stellar-mass created

Stellar-mass black holes can be created when two neutron stars merge, two black holes can merge to make a larger one


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