10 Amazing Benefits Of Meditation

Ipsita Bhattacharya
May 20, 2024

World Meditation Day

As life gets more complex and stressful, the ancient practice of meditation gains a lot of importance. Ahead of World Meditation Day 2024 - it's observed on May 21 every year - Raman Mittal, Co-founder of Idanim app and a meditation teacher shares 10 ways meditation can help you feel better every day. (Images By Freepik)

Benefits Of Meditation

Raman Mittal says, "Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. Begin with just a few minutes each day and slowly increase the time as you get used to it. Remember, the benefits of meditation come with regular practice. So, make it a daily habit and watch how it transforms your life." He lists 10 benefits, read on.

Reduces Stress

Meditation helps you relax and feel calm by focusing on a single point like your breath or a mantra. When you meditate, your body produces less cortisol, the stress hormone, which means you feel less anxious and more peaceful. In India, meditation has been used for thousands of years to achieve inner peace and has been highlighted in ancient texts.

Improves Your Mood

Regular meditation can make you feel happier. By taking time to sit quietly and notice your thoughts, you understand your feelings better. This self-awareness leads to a more positive outlook on life. Meditation practices like Vipassana, which originated in India, are designed to cultivate a happy and contented mind.

Boosts Concentration

Meditation strengthens your ability to focus. When you meditate, you train your mind to pay attention to one thing at a time. This improved concentration helps you in your studies, work, and daily activities. The Bhagavad Gita highlights the importance of focused attention and meditation for achieving clarity and purpose.

Increases Self-Awareness

Meditation helps you get to know yourself better. By observing your thoughts without judgment, you learn what makes you happy or stressed. This self-knowledge is crucial for personal growth. Indian sages and gurus have long taught that self-awareness through meditation is the path to true wisdom and enlightenment.

Creates A Sense of Well-Being

Meditation brings a feeling of inner peace and balance. This sense of well-being affects every part of your life, making you feel more at ease and content. In India, meditation is an integral part of yoga, which is practised to achieve harmony between the mind, body, and spirit.

Helps You Sleep Better

If you have trouble sleeping, meditation can help. It calms your mind and reduces stress, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Good sleep is essential for your overall health. Practices like Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation from India, are specifically designed to improve sleep quality.

Enhances Creativity

Meditation clears your mind of unnecessary thoughts, allowing new ideas to flow freely. This boost in creativity can help you in many areas, from solving problems to artistic expression. Indian culture has a rich tradition of using meditation to inspire creativity in music, dance, and art.

Benefits Your Physical Health

Meditation is not just good for your mind; it also helps your body. It can lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, and help you stay healthy. Regular meditation can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, often includes meditation as a key practice for maintaining physical health.

Encourages Compassion And Kindness

Meditation can make you more compassionate and kind. Practices like loving-kindness meditation help you develop warm, positive feelings towards yourself and others. This improves your relationships and makes you feel more connected to people around you.

Supports Spiritual Growth

For many people, meditation is a spiritual practice. It helps you connect with your inner self and a higher power, whatever that may mean to you. In Indian philosophy, meditation is a path to spiritual enlightenment and self-realisation. Practices like Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga emphasise meditation for spiritual growth.


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