Recognising The Signs: 7 Basic Symptoms Of Dementia

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
May 13, 2024

Decreased Problem-Solving Abilities

As dementia progresses, individuals may struggle with problem-solving and planning. They may have difficulty following multi-step tasks, organizing their thoughts, or adapting to changes in their environment. This can impact their ability to maintain independence and carry out daily activities.

Personality and Mood Changes

Dementia can cause significant changes in personality and mood. Individuals may become irritable, agitated, withdrawn, or apathetic. They may also experience mood swings or exhibit socially inappropriate behaviors that are out of character.

Difficulty Performing Familiar Tasks

Tasks that were once routine and familiar may become increasingly challenging for individuals with dementia. This can include activities such as cooking, driving, managing finances, or following simple instructions. They may require assistance or supervision to complete these tasks safely.

Confusion and Disorientation

Individuals with dementia often experience confusion and disorientation, often losing familiar places, and struggling to recognise faces or objects, and these symptoms can worsen with routine changes.

Impaired Judgment and Decision-Making

Dementia can impair judgment and decision-making, leading to poor social, financial, or personal hygiene judgment, potentially resulting in risky behaviors or neglect of crucial responsibilities.

Difficulty with Communication

Dementia patients may face communication difficulties, including difficulty finding words, forming coherent sentences, following conversations, repeating themselves, and struggling to express their thoughts effectively.

Memory Loss

Dementia symptoms include short-term memory loss, often requiring reliance on memory aids or loved ones to recall recent events, important dates, or conversations.


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