Hitting the snooze button gives a signal to your mind that it is ok to procrastinate. Sleeping an extra 5 or 10 minutes can make you feel dull all-day
This makes your brain trigger your stress response and puts you on edge for the rest of the day.
Yoga, exercises or meditation are the best ways to keep you active, healthy, and fit. Physical activity boosts your metabolism and enhances body functioning
Making the bed cultivates a sense of discipline and gives you a small sense of pride and satisfaction in doing the 1st task of the day completely.
Doing this you will experience a greater sense of alertness throughout the day, and sunlight will also provide vitamin D if taken in the morning.
This can create unnecessary stress sometimes and can make up the wrong tune for the day, instead be brief and determined about what to wear.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, skipping it is like racing without fuel. Our body needs a good nutritious meal in the morning
Noting down the goals, preparing for them and executing them accordingly make you feel satisfied and create a sense of discipline.