Lessons To Learn From ‘The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People’ Classic Book

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 27, 2024

Message To Take

The book is written by Stephen R. Covey. This is a guide that will teach the most effective lessons about professional and personal growth. Stephen promotes life principles including prioritization, proactive thinking, collaboration, and effective communication.

Habit 1- Being Proactive

The first habit teaches us to control the situation and take responsibility for our actions. Do not react in every situation and focus on what you can and can not control.

Habit 2 - Plan Your Goals

The second chapter is to set clear goals and objectives that are necessary for life. Thinking about where you will stand and what you want to achieve in the future, define the success and proper majors to achieve them.

Habit 3 - Prioritize Right Things First

The key learning from the third chapter tells us to prioritize and focus on what is the right things. It is essential to achieve the most important goal, that will give you benefit in the long-term rather than urgencies.

Habit 4 - Make Social Connections

Habit 4 teaches us to collaborate more effectively by building strong connections, do not hesitate to seek a solution that will mutually benefit all the parties involved.

Habit 5 - First To Understand, Rather To Be Understood

It is important to understand others to be understood by them. Listen and think attentively before putting your thoughts, judgments, and opinions. Make strong bonds by developing an indeed understanding of their needs and opinions.

Habit 6 - Creative Collaboration

Strategize and develop innovative solutions that form creative co-ordination with others to aim for better results than performing alone.

Habit 7 - Don't Stop Improving Yourself

Never stop improving yourself, sharpen the saw by increasing motivation, optimistic thoughts, and energy, and take time to balance both personal and professional development.


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