How to Make Simple and Healthy Gluten-Free Snacks

Shubhi Kumar
Sep 16, 2024

Step 1

Opt for grains like quinoa, rice, buckwheat, or amaranth as the base for your snacks.

Step 2

Incorporate protein sources like nuts, seeds, beans, or lentils to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Step 3

Add healthy fats from avocados, olive oil, or nuts to support overall health.

Step 4

Try different seasonings, herbs, or spices to add variety and flavor to your snacks.

Step 5

Prepare your snacks in advance and store them in individual portions for easy access.

Step 6

Mix and match textures for a more enjoyable snack experience. For example, combine crunchy nuts with creamy avocado.

Step 7

Pair your snacks with plenty of water to stay hydrated and support digestion.


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