Heatwave Alert: How Summer Takes a Toll on Your Body

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
May 20, 2024


Sunburn, caused by UV radiation, increases skin cancer risk. Protect with high-SPF sunscreen, shade, and protective clothing, reapplying after swimming or exercising.

Cardiovascular Issues

High temperatures put additional strain on the cardiovascular system. Heat heightens the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Skin Damage

The sun's rays can harm your skin and, in extreme situations, produce second-degree burns.

Breathing Difficulty

Elevated temperatures can degrade air quality, making breathing difficult.

Heat Exhaustion

The negative effects of heat exposure include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headaches. These are also indicators of heat stroke.

Skin rashes

Heat rash can develop after prolonged exposure to high temperatures and sweating. Sweat ducts become blocked, resulting in uncomfortable red pimples.

Extreme Dehydration

In severe heat, the body loses water quickly through sweat.


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