Embracing Monsoon: 8 Healthy Habits for a Rainy Season

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
Jun 22, 2024

Prioritize Mental Well-being

Prioritize mental well-being during monsoon by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and engaging in joy-inducing activities to maintain a positive outlook amidst weather changes.

Take Care of Your Skin and Hair

Maintain skin and hair health by keeping them clean and moisturized, using mild shampoo and conditioner, and applying aloe vera or coconut oil for natural nourishment.

Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes

During monsoon, mosquito-borne illnesses increase. Use repellents, wear long sleeves, sleep under nets, and avoid stagnant water to prevent bites.

Exercise Indoors or Choose Monsoon-friendly Activities

Despite limited outdoor activities, stay active by engaging in indoor exercises like yoga or dance routines, or explore monsoon-friendly outdoor activities like rainforest trekking or nature strolls.

Maintain Personal Hygiene

The damp weather during monsoon can increase the risk of infections. Maintain good personal hygiene by washing hands frequently, especially before meals. Keep your surroundings clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Boost Immunity with Nutritious Foods

Consume garlic, ginger, turmeric, and citrus fruits to boost immunity and combat seasonal illnesses, providing essential nutrients and flavor.

Eat Fresh and Seasonal

Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, opt for light, vitamin-rich meals, and avoid street food for immunity boost and digestive issues prevention.

Stay Hydrated

During monsoon, it's crucial to stay hydrated due to humidity and occasional warmth, using herbal teas or infused water to maintain optimal levels.


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