Effective home remedies to prevent heat stroke

May 24, 2024

Aam Panna

Made with raw mangoes and spices, aam panna keeps the body cool and prevents heat strokes.

Buttermilk or Chaas

Buttermilk prevents dehydration and is a good source of probiotics; perfect for daily consumption.

Tamarind Drink

Enriched with vitamins and electrolytes, tamarind drink cools the body and treats stomach disorders.

Onion Juice

Though sour, onion juice fights heat waves and offers many medicinal benefits.

Coriander and Mint Juice

Juice of coriander and mint leaves detoxifies and cools the body, best taken on an empty stomach.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice aids digestion, relieves sunburns, and fights heat strokes when consumed daily.

Coconut Water

Coconut water rejuvenates, quenches thirst, and keeps the body hydrated for extended periods.


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