Before 2-3 hours of going to bed try to avoid screen time as electronic devices consist of blue light which can suppress the production of melatonin, which regulates sleep.
Finish your meal at least 3-4 hours or avoid a heavy meal going to bed before going to bed, as it can disrupt your sleeping schedule by causing indigestion.
Limit Alcohol as Excessive intake of alcohol can disrupt sleeping patterns and affect your REM sleep.
Try to avoid sleeping at least 7-6 before bedtime as it can interfere with nighttime sleep and reduce your sleep pressure, instead try to take 20 or 30 minutes of naps.
Keep yourself engaged in some physical activity such as exercise, yoga, walking, or running as it helps to release endorphins and melatonin in your body, which regulates sleep quality.
Make yourself a proper sleeping schedule and be consistent with it every day, it will help you to sleep better.
Make your bedroom a relaxed and peaceful environment with no clutter and electronic devices to regulate relaxed and better sleep.