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Nutritional yeast is a popular ingredient in vegetarian and vegan cooking, often used as a cheese substitute. Many varieties are fortified with Vitamin B12, making it an excellent option for increasing B12 intake.
Certain plant-based milk brands, such as almonds, soy, and oats, are fortified with Vitamin B12. Check the labels to ensure that the milk you choose contains added B12.
Some breakfast cereals, especially those marketed as health-conscious or fortified, contain added Vitamin B12. Look for cereals labeled as fortified with B12 to boost your intake.
Many vegetarian meat substitutes, such as veggie burgers, vegan sausages, and plant-based deli slices, are fortified with essential nutrients, including Vitamin B12. Incorporating these products into your meals can help increase your B12 intake.
While not strictly vegan, and can have dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are suitable and contain Vitamin B12. Including these foods in your diet can help ensure an adequate intake of B12.
Some varieties of mushrooms contain small amounts of Vitamin B12, although the levels can vary. While not a significant source on their own, mushrooms can still contribute to overall B12 intake when consumed regularly.
Certain types of seaweed and algae, such as nori, spirulina, and chlorella, may contain Vitamin B12. However, the B12 in these foods is in a form that the body may not readily absorb, so they should not be relied upon as primary sources of B12.
For vegetarians who struggle to meet their B12 needs through diet alone, Vitamin B12 supplements are widely available and can provide an effective way to ensure adequate intake.