8 Tips To Boost Your Willpower

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 05, 2024

How to Increase your willpower

Let’s see what options we have for increasing the pool of willpower we have to draw from

Reward the Effort

Resisting crisps or chocolate with your lunch all week demands a lot of willpower, which can make it frustrating if tips to boost your willpower don’t lose weight. Feel proud of your effort remember, it has strengthened your willpower

Believe in Yourself

Self-confidence is key. If you believe you can finish a five-mile run and you can imagine yourself on the podium with a medal, then you’re less likely to give up

Clarify your Goals

Work out what you want to achieve and how you’re going to get there – otherwise, it’s like searching for treasure without a map. Planning can help you focus, and there are plenty of apps to help monitor your progress

Build up Slowly

Overdoing it erodes willpower and sets you up to fail. You could call this ‘the tortoise and the hare syndrome’. Take gradual small steps to change your diet or build up your fitness regime

Develop a Routine

If you’re busy, establish a routine to ensure you make the time for exercise, and stock up on healthy meals and snacks ahead of time, rather than grabbing a takeaway

Be Kind to Yourself

If you’re trying to quit smoking, you’ll likely have one or two cigarettes before you succeed, but don’t go crazy blaming yourself – be kind to yourself

Get support

Whether it’s from friends and family, or joining a running club, a bit of cheerleading can be the difference between failure and success. Even saying your goals out loud can make them clearer


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