Foods that can cause water retention should be avoided as these cause bloating and add to the pain of period cramps. Salty foods, fatty food items, caffeine, and alcohol should be avoided during menstruation.
Do not cut down your water intake during this time of the month. Staying hydrated will actually help you in easing the cramp pain.
Hot water bags are widely used to get relief from cramps. Heat helps in proper blood circulation in the abdomen region and eases the pain.
Herbs are said to be anti-inflammatory in nature. These also contain anti-spasmodic compounds that can ease the pain associated with muscle contractions that happen during menstruation.
Essential oils like lavender, rose, clove, cinnamon help in easing the cramps when massaged on the abdomen. Experts suggest using a base oil like coconut oil with the essential oil so as to maximise the effect of the massage on the cramps.
Few yoga poses can actually help you during periods. These are easy to do and can soothe your pain.
Those with sleeping issues can have severe health complications, one of which is definitely extreme pain period cramp.
Sitting inside a hot bath or soaking yourself inside one can pull out the pain from your body. You can add a few drops of essential oils or epsom salt to it as well.