8 Habits That Are Making Your Mental Health Worse

All Image Credit: Freepik

Yashshvi Srivastava
Sep 18, 2024

Not Sharing

Not talking about your struggles and bottling it up inside you can be very dangerous and can harm you in different ways.

Overeating and Neglecting Hygiene

Eating unhealthy food on a regular basis like sweet or junk and ignoring proper hygiene of the body can also affect your mental health.

Watching Mostly Negativity

The kind of habits, peoples or things we follow, be with or watch can change our perspective and transform us into a different person.


Always being sad by comparing your life with others. It is important to note down that everyone has a unique quality different living.

No Proper Diet

To be mentally fit, physical health is also very important for better functioning of the brain and body.

Working Till Exhausted

Taking too much pressure of work and not taking out time for self care is very dangerous for your mental health.


Isolating yourself from everyone else and following your daily routine like showering, doing homeworks etc pushes you in darkness and negativity.

Staying Up Late

Sleeping late at night makes you feel lazy and the next day is also wasted. You feel tired and the cycle of negativity reinforce.


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