8 Habits Of Successful Language Learners

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 05, 2024

Prioritize Reviewing

Never learn something new before you review what you know already

Illusion of progress

Study in small chunks every day, even if for just 5 or 10 minutes


Use the language in the context of the topics you’re passionate about, and activities you enjoy

Clar Goal

Use the language in the context of the topics you’re passionate about, and activities you enjoy

Follow latest Neuroscience Research

Get an understanding of current research on memory, and utilize scientifically proven learning tools to learn more effectively

Researching different Learning methods

Spend a week researching different learning methods, select one or two that suit you best, and stick to them until you’ve read them cover to cover or identify a clear need to supplement them with another resource


Dedicate as much time to speaking and writing, as to reading and listening, and try to regularly wander into topics outside your comfort zone

Look positive way

Don’t look at mistakes as failure, but rather an immediate opportunity to improve your language abilities

Note Dwon

Always be attentive to what native speakers say in any given situation and note down the sentence patterns they use


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