7 Yoga Asanas For Long And Thick Hair

Aug 10, 2023


This Yoga Asana's name is derived from two words - Kapala, which means "skull," and Bhati, which means "light." The asana cleanses toxins from the head region, promotes better oxygen supply, reduces stress and anxiety, and thereby promotes hair growth.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

A transitional resting pose, this asana increases the blood flow and improves oxygen reaching the scalp, thus promoting hair growth. It calms the mind and has several other health benefits.


By combating stress and digestive issues, Balasana or Child's Pose prevents hair fall. It helps give relief from stomach-related issues as well as anxiety.


Sirsasana is also called headstand and it improves blood circulation in the scalp. This helps in reducing hair loss, thinning of hair, balding, and even greying of hair. This asana promotes hair growth.


By improving your balance as well as posture, this asana enhances blood circulation in your head. This is particularly effective in dealing with dry and thin hair.


This helps combat stomach-related issues and by ensuring gut health through improved digestion, Vajrasana promotes hair growth and prevents hair fall.


This yoga pose relaxes muscles and heightens oxygen levels and blood flow to the head. This makes hair follicles stronger and promotes hair growth.


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