Sit at a place which is not too comfortable, Avoid sitting on the bed,sit straight at a hard chair or desk.
Change up where you study each time to assist your brain recall material more effectively and increase focus
Brighten your study space to fool your brain into believing it's still daylight and make it feel more energised rather than reading under a dim lamp or in a gloomy room.
External distractions are caused by things like sounds and phones. Find out what's distracting you, then get rid of them so your mind isn't diverted from your studies.
If you listen to your own voice, you're less likely to nod off. It makes no difference if you are reading a chapter from a book or reviewing your notes.
Increased cognitive performance has been associated with mint. Choose your preferred mint flavor, such as winter mint, pepper mint, or spear mint.
Drink from a full bottle of water that you keep nearby as you study. You become more attentive as a result and your brain's blood flow is improved.