7 Traits Of An Untrustworthy Person

Suhaani Gupta
Oct 19, 2024


Trustworthy individuals display consistent behavior and values. If someone frequently changes their demeanor or breaks promises, they may be unreliable.


Those who readily place blame on others show a lack of accountability. Trustworthy people accept their mistakes and learn from them.


If someone frequently makes grand promises but fails to deliver, it signals unreliability. Trust is built through consistent actions, not just words.

Frequent Gossiping

Individuals who often gossip about others may not respect confidentiality. If they talk behind others' backs, they could do the same to you.

Lack of Empathy

A person who dismisses your feelings or fails to show concern lacks empathy. This behavior can undermine trust and connection.

Defensive Attitude

Constant defensiveness can indicate someone is hiding something. If they react defensively often, it may signal untrustworthiness.

Lack of Accountability

People who avoid taking responsibility for their actions are often untrustworthy. Accountability builds trust, while excuses erode it significantly


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