7 Tips To Stay Hydrated During Monsoon

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024

Drink plenty of water:

Aim for at least 8-10 glasses a day to replace lost fluids.

Avoid cold drinks:

Opt for room temperature water or warm beverages like tea to help your body absorb fluids better.

Eat hydrating foods:

Include water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and celery in your diet.

Limit caffeine:

More caffeine can dehydrate you, so try to cut back or avoid them it as much as it is possible.

Sip on herbal teas:

Peppermint, chamomile, and ginger teas are great options to keep you hydrated and soothe your stomach.

Monitor your body:

Listen to your body, do not drink water in excessive amounts. Try to be consistent.

Avoid Junk food:

Junk food can make your stomach upset. Which might lead to dehydration so try to avoid food in monsoon.


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