7 Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity

Jul 04, 2024

Set Alarms

Set alarms to remind yourself about pending tasks and the time they need to be done


Make a to-do list in the morning and prioritize the task as per their urgency.


Follow the five-minute rule. If a work can be completed in five minutes, do it now.

Eat The Frog First

You must finish the hardest task first. A pending hard task may give you an ending headache, hampering other work.

Pomodoro Technique

Follow Pomodoro technique - work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Repeat again.

Break Tasks Into Chunks

You must divide tasks into smaller, manageable parts and then do it accordingly.

Limit Social Media

Social media is a time killer. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can wait but not the work or your research paper.


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