7 Stunning Natural Wonders Of The World

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 19, 2024

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis also known as the Northern Lights is a breathtaking experience for you to witness. The night sky glows in beautiful vibrant colors.

Grand Canyon

Colorado River carved out a big hole in the ground in Arizona, USA. This natural wonder is preserved as a natural park.

Great Barrier Reef

This natural wonder is the world's largest coral reef system. The fun fact is this reef can be seen through the outer space as well.

Harbor Of Rio De Janeiro

This stunning natural harbor is situated on Brazil's southeastern coast. This is the prominent port of Rio De Janeiro.

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the earth's highest mountain above sea level. The weather is unpredictable and it's a dream destination for many climbers.

Paricutin Volcano

This volcano suddenly appeared in a cornfield in Mexico. Over time this giant volcano grew about 400 meters tall.

Victoria Falls

It is one of the largest waterfalls in the world and is famous for its large size and giant roar of water.


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