7 Steps For Making Flat White Coffee

Zee Media Bureau
Mar 11, 2024

Brew Your Espresso Shot

Start by brewing a strong espresso shot using your preferred method.

Steam Your Milk

Steam your milk to a silky texture, creating microfoam bubbles that will enhance the creaminess of your flat white.

Remove Bubbles from the Milk

After steaming, gently tap your milk jug on the countertop to eliminate any large bubbles that may have formed during the steaming process.

Prepare Your Espresso Cup

Using a spoon to hold back the foam, pour the steamed milk over your espresso shot.

Pour the Milk

Warm up your espresso cup by rinsing it with hot water.

Create Latte Art (Optional)

For an added touch of elegance, practice creating latte art by gently swirling the milk foam on top of your flat white.

Enjoy Your Perfect Flat White

Savor the moment as you take the first sip of your freshly brewed flat white coffee.


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