7 Skincare Hacks For Every Traveler

Dimpy Bhatt
Oct 23, 2024

Dehydration is inevitable when you’re travelling, and it can leave you with a dull, dry complexion. Keep these things with you while travelling.

Sun Protection

Skin experts recommend using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher while traveling to protect against UVA and UVB radiation, which can cause serious skin problems in the long run.

Cleansing Wipes

Wet wipes are essential for long-distance travel, providing a refreshing and rejuvenating touch to tired skin. They can be used on various modes of transportation, including walking along the beach.


Apply moisturizers to neck, hands, and legs to prevent dryness and keep skin smooth, especially during travel, as they help absorb hydrated skin cells.

Hydrate Often

Face Mist provides skin hydration, energy, and calmness, making it a must-have for travelers, especially in colder climates, as it awakens and boosts mood.

Lip Balm

Tourists often encounter cracked lips, requiring good lip balm to maintain supple skin and tinted lip balms for makeup and ensembles.

Minimal Makeup

Avoid using cosmetics and makeup while traveling as it can cause skin breakouts and dryness, so use cosmetic replacements instead.


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