7 Simple Ways To Boost Happy Hormones In Your Life

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 20, 2024

Simple lifestyle changes can help to enhance the production of feel-good hormones in your body. These happy hormones make us feel good and reduce stress. There are many simple ways to feel happy. Let’s find and make them a part of our routine.

7 simple lifestyle changes to increase happy hormones

Regular Exercise

Indulge in the habit of exercising regularly to increase the production of these feel-good hormones (endorphins and dopamine) which will promote the feeling of happiness and ease (Image Source: PEXELS)


Practicing meditation can help to eliminate stress and develop a positive mindset which can help to generate happy hormones (Image Source: PEXELS)

Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet can help to regulate the blood sugar levels in your body and boost your overall health, which will ultimately release happy hormones (Image Source: PEXELS)

Proper Sleep

Adequate sleep is a must for the proper functioning of your body as it can improve your cognitive health and relieve stress (Image Source: PEXELS)

Listen To Your Favourite Music

Listening to your favorite genre of music can help to calm your nerves down and provide relaxation, which will reduce the stress hormones (Image Source: PEXELS)

Laugh Your Heart Out

Laughing can boost your overall health. Laughing whenever you can is the best way to boost your mood and uplift your spirits (Image Source: PEXELS)

Soak Sunlight

Sunlight can help to increase the production of serotonin. So make sure to soak up sunlight whenever you can to regulate the levels of vitamin D in your body (Image Source: PEXELS)

Consult An Expert

This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals (Image Source: PEXELS)


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