7 Signs Your Partner Is Gaslighting You

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 12, 2024

They Shift Blame On You

They constantly blame you for things that go wrong in the relationship, even when it’s clearly not your fault. This makes you feel guilty and responsible for their behaviour.

They Dismiss Your Feelings

Your partner tells you that you're "too sensitive" or "overreacting" when you express how their actions hurt you. This invalidation makes you feel like your emotions are not valid.

They Use Lies and Manipulation

They often lie blatantly and confidently, making it hard for you to trust your judgment.

They Use Your Insecurities Against You

Gaslighters often exploit your insecurities, bringing them up in arguments or discussions to weaken your self-esteem and maintain control over you.

They Isolate You from Others

Your partner tries to cut you off from friends, family, or anyone who might offer support, making you more dependent on them and less likely to get an outside perspective on their behavior.

They Create Confusion

They may frequently change statements, leaving you feeling confused and unsure of yourself. This tactic is meant to destabilise your confidence.

They Deny What They Did

Your partner frequently denies things they have said or done, even when you have evidence or clearly remember the incident. This makes you doubt your memory and question your perception of reality.


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