7 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Unavailable

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024

Avoiding Deep Conversations

If your partner constantly avoids discussing feelings, plans for the future, or personal issues, it may suggest emotional unavailability.

Lack of Emotional Support

When they fail to provide comfort or support during difficult times, it can indicate a disconnect from your emotional needs.

Prioritizing Work

If they frequently choose work or personal interests over spending quality time with you, it could reflect an emotional distance.

Inconsistent Communication

If their communication is infrequent or they often seem distant, it could point to emotional unavailability.

Difficulty Expressing Affection

Struggling to show affection or talk about love and appreciation might be a sign they are emotionally closed off.

Avoiding Commitment

Reluctance to commit to plans, promises, or a future together can indicate that they’re not emotionally ready for a deeper connection.

Keeping Things Superficial

Consistently keeping interactions light and avoiding meaningful or vulnerable topics might signal a reluctance to engage emotionally.


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