7 Scientific Benefits of Reading Printed Books

Dimpy Bhatt
Oct 09, 2024

You absorb more information

Readers of print books absorb and remember more of the plot than readers of e-books do.

Reduced eye strain

Electronic books can cause screen fatigue, which may lead to blurred vision, redness, dryness, and irritation. With print books, you don't have to worry about any of that.

Sleep Better

Study has shown that the blue lights from your screen can make harder you to fall asleep and make you feel groggier when you wake up.

Increased Attention Span

Reading from printed material encourages longer attention spans, as it lacks the distractions that come with digital devices.

Enhanced Creativity

The tactile engagement of holding a book and turning pages can simulate creativity and boost imaginative thinking.

Better Comprehension

Studies show that printed books readers understand and retain more information compared to digital screens.

Improved Vocabulary

Printed books are often associated with a wider vocabulary range and improved word recall compared to online reading.


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