7 Reasons To Stop Biting Your Nails

Anupama Jha
Apr 28, 2024

Nail Damage

Constant nail biting can damage the nail bed which leads to weakened, brittle nails that are prone to splitting and breaking. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Risk of Infection

Biting your nails introduces bacteria and germs from your hands into your mouth. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Dental Health

Nail biting can damage teeth and gums over time, leading to issues such as chipped teeth, misalignment, and gum recession. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Spread of Germs

Your hands come into contact with various surfaces throughout the day, picking up dirt, bacteria, and viruses. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Emotional Impact

Nail biting is often linked to stress, anxiety, or boredom and can become a coping mechanism for managing negative emotions. (Pic Credit: Freepik)


Chewed nails are unsightly and can affect your overall appearance and self-confidence. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Breaking the Cycle

Replace nail biting with healthier habits such as keeping nails trimmed, applying bitter-tasting nail polish. (Pic Credit: Freepik)


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