7 Pulses To Avoid During Monsoon Season

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 20, 2024

Black Gram (Urad Dal)

In humid weather, urad dal can be difficult to digest and heavy on the stomach, causing bloating and discomfort.

Split Chickpea Lentil (Chana Dal)

It can cause indigestion and flatulence, making it unsuitable for use in rainy weather when digestive processes are slower.

Kidney Beans (Rajma)

Due to slower digestion during the monsoon, this food is known to produce bloating and gas.

Cowpeas (Lobia)

During the monsoon season, when the body's immune system is weakened, it might cause allergies and stomach problems.

Red Lentil (Masoor Dal)

It's hard-to-digest carbohydrates, such as raffinose and stachyose, can make you feel bloated.

Chickpeas (Chana)

They have complex carbohydrates, difficult-to-digest polyols, and fermentable oligosaccharides.

Pigeon Peas (Toor Dal)

During the monsoon season, they are difficult to digest because of their high fibre content and harder-to-digest sugar content.


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