Blend hibiscus petals into a paste and mix with honey. Apply this mask to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. This helps to hydrate your skin and give it a natural glow. But don’t forget to do a patch test before using.
Make hibiscus tea and let it cool. Use it as a toner by applying it with a cotton pad after cleansing your face. Hibiscus toner helps you to tighten your pores and refresh your skin.
Mix crushed hibiscus petals with sugar and a bit of coconut oil to make a gentle scrub. Use it once a week to exfoliate dead skin cells and reveal smoother skin.
Steep hibiscus petals in a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil for a few weeks. Strain the petals and use the infused oil as a serum at night.
Freeze hibiscus tea in ice cube trays. Rub the hibiscus ice cubes on your face to reduce puffiness and tighten your skin. This gives you an instant glow.
Add dried hibiscus petals to your bathwater. Soak in this floral bath to soothe your skin and relax your mind, leaving your skin soft and radiant.
Make a strong hibiscus tea and use it as a final rinse after shampooing your hair. This not only conditions your hair but also enhances your natural shine, giving you an overall radiant appearance.