Just stand tall and stretch your hands upwards. Holding this posture for 30 seconds or 1 minute helps to improve focus, confidence, and balance.
Balance on one leg, put the other leg on another leg's inner thigh, and make a prayer pose over the head. Holding this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute helps to improve stability, and calm, and improves concentration. Child pose or Balasana
Kneel and sit on your heels, stretch your hands forward and touch your forehead on the floor. Practicing this for 2-3 minutes helps to relax and relieve stress and further provides flexibility.
Pose yourself in a wide-leg position, turn one leg out, and bend your knee, now extend your hands parallel to the floor. Doing this daily for at least 1 minute helps you to improve focus and build strength.
Just lie your back on the floor, put your legs upward towards the wall, and put your arms at rest. Practicing this for at least 5 minutes helps to release stress, and improve focus.
Just lie on the floor, spread your legs and arms, close your eyes, and perform deep breathing. Doing this daily for 10 minutes helps to calm your body and reduce stress.
(This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)