7 Combing Mistakes That Cause Hair fall

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 11, 2024

Using Dirty Combs:

Dirty combs can weaken your hair which lead to break down.

Combing Wet Hair:

Wet hairs are more fragile as it can be stretched and broken more easily.

Extra Force:

Putting extra pressure while combing results the pulling of hairs which leads to breakage.

Combing From Roots:

Combing from the roots without detangling can cause tangles, knots and breakage.

Uneven Comb:

If your comb has sharp or uneven teeth then it can cause split ends and also damage your hair.

Excessive Combing:

Excessive Combing can leads to irritation in your hair scalp and can be the reason of hair fall.

Incorrect Comb:

Using incorrect kind of comb for your hair texture might leads to unnecessary breakage and hair loss.


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