Stay informed on current affairs by reading newspapers. This will enhance your understanding of national as well as international issues and events.
Invest some 1-2 hours a day in listening to any educational YouTube channel or podcasts to gain interesting insights on a variety of topics, from history to science to economics.
Engaging in quiz games is another fun way to test and grow your knowledge on different subjects.
Joining discussions whether online or on-site exposes you to diverse viewpoints and expert insights on a range of topics, expanding your understanding on issues.
Books on history, science, and culture, such as Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari, can significantly broaden your understanding of the world.
Instead of mindless scrolling, try watching documentaries on different topics like wildlife, history, and current affairs to make learning enjoyable.
Stay updated with current affairs by installing News apps which can help you in staying informed on recent matters.