7 Benefits Of Reading Printed Books Over E-Books

Dimpy Bhatt
Sep 12, 2024

Learning capabilities

Studies show higher comprehension in print books compared to digital sources, indicating a preference for paper books.

Less distractions

Reading from a paper book is less likely to be sidetracked compared to an electronic or tablet with surfing capabilities.

Learn as they go

Printed books allow readers to track their course progress, while eBooks lack the same level of enjoyment.

Note taking

Many readers make notes in the margins of their books while learning, but this writing style is less effective on eBooks.


Used print books retain their value, enabling readers to resell them after finishing them, allowing them to recover some of their investment.

Bragging rights

Displaying a dedicated book stack, particularly for lifelong learners, is believed to signify wisdom and progress, making it a pleasant and meaningful display.

Battery Free

Print books are portable, anytime, and do not require batteries, charges, or internet connections for studying.


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