7 Animals That Eat Their Own Babies

Anupama Jha
Apr 26, 2024


Despite their reputation as gentle pets, hamsters may eat their offspring if they feel threatened or stressed.

Black Eagles

In rare cases, black eagles have been observed cannibalizing their chicks during times of food scarcity.


While rabbits are generally nurturing parents, they may eat their young if they perceive them to be sick or if they are under extreme stress.


Some species of fish, such as certain cichlids and goldfish, may consume their own offspring as a survival mechanism.

Praying Mantises

Female praying mantises may eat their own offspring if they are hungry or if the eggs are infertile.

Cannibalistic Spiders

Certain species of spiders, including the wolf spider and the black widow, may resort to cannibalism feeding on their own young if food is scarce or if they mistake them for prey.


Rodents like mice and rats may cannibalize their offspring for various reasons, including overcrowding, stress, or the detection of abnormalities or illness.


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