Green apples are a nutritious addition to your diet due to their high fiber and antioxidant content, which aids in heart health, cholesterol reduction, and blood pressure reduction.
Green apples are high in flavonoids and polyphenols, which counteract oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, and may minimise the risk of chronic illnesses.
Green apples increase saliva production, neutralise oral acids, reduce germ development, and serve as a natural toothbrush for cleaning teeth and gums.
Green apples are a delicious snack because of their high fibre content, which aids in fullness maintenance, minimises overeating, and promotes weight management.
Green apples are high in Vitamin C, which helps to maintain the immune system, boost immunity, and fight against infections and diseases.
Green apples' fibre content benefits digestive health by increasing stool bulk and encouraging regular bowel movements, avoiding constipation and fostering a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
Green apples are high in critical nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, all of which are beneficial to general health and immunological function.