6 Ways Avoid Social Media Distraction While Learning Online

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 13, 2024

Avoid Distractions

If you find yourself constantly checking social media during online classes, here are 6 tips to help you stay focused and avoid distractions

Close Social Media Tabs

A simple yet effective solution. Close all social media sites on your desktop or laptop to avoid temptation

Limit Smartphone Usage

Limit your phone usage during online classes. Turn off notifications or put your phone on silent mode to minimize distractions

Leave it Out of Reach

Take it a step further by turning off your phone or leaving it in a different room. This will help you avoid mindless scrolling

Create a Social Media Schedule

Allow yourself social media time, but schedule it. Set specific times and durations to maintain discipline

Track Your Time and Set Reminders

Use screen time measuring apps to identify areas for improvement. Set reminders to limit your time on social media

Replace Social Media with Productive Activities

Fill the time you'd spend on social media with something more productive, like reading, exercise, or a new hobby


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