Drinking an appropriate amount of water is necessary for the body and how to we drink water also matters a lot. Experts suggest that we should not drink water while standing. Read here to Know the reasons.

Medha Jha
May 02, 2024

Indigestion Risk

According to experts, drinking water while standing can lead to indigestion as water flows rapidly through the food canal when standing, causing disruption in fluid balance and increasing toxins.

Arthritis Risk

Rapid consumption of water while standing can accumulate fluids in joints which can further lead to arthritis problems and joint damage.

Lung problems

According to doctors, nutrients and vitamins may not reach the liver and digestive tract effectively when drinking water standing up and rapid water intake can disturb oxygen levels, risking lung and heart function.

Kidney Health Issues

Drinking water standing up may hinder kidney filtration as Fluids pass through without proper filtration, settling impurities in the bladder and potentially causing kidney damage or urinary tract disorders.

Joint Pain Concerns

Drinking water while standing can compromise the nutrient absorption in the body leading to joint problems.


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