10 Things To Avoid During A Thunderstorm

Suhaani Gupta
Sep 17, 2024

Take a shower

Lightning can travel through plumbing, so showering during a storm can be dangerous.

Stand under a wooden object

Trees are likely to be struck by lightning, and standing under them can put you at risk.

Touch concrete structures

Concrete may contain metal reinforcements that can conduct electricity.

Lie down

Lying flat on the ground increases your risk of being affected by ground currents from a lightning strike

Use a corded phone

Avoid using corded phones or electrical appliances during a storm, as lightning can travel through electrical systems.

Waste time removing metal

Focus on getting to safety rather than removing metal objects; your priority should be finding shelter.

Be afraid to help someone who got hit

You won’t be electrocuted by touching someone who has been struck by lightning; they need help.

Leave your pet outside

Bring pets indoors to keep them safe during storms.

Stand near a window

Windows can conduct electricity, so it’s safer to stay away from them during a storm.

Touch anything wet

Water conducts electricity, so avoid touching wet surfaces or being in water during a thunderstorm.


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