Encourage them to wake up at the same time every day, whether it's a school day or a holiday. Set alarms and ensure they respond promptly.
Instill in them the habit of making their beds as soon as they wake up. Instruct them to fold their bed linens and arrange their pillows in a neat manner.
Encourage them to carry out their morning routine on their own. This includes taking a bath, cleaning their face, brushing their teeth, and going to the bathroom.
Encourage them to meditate or say prayers in the morning to help them develop empathy and thankfulness.
Encourage the practice of studying in the morning since this time of day when there is improved memory retention.
Develop in them the habit of setting aside at least 15 to 20 minutes each morning for physical activity so that they remain more energetic and active all day long.
Reinforce the habit of staying hydrated by drinking a full glass of water in the morning. It makes the children more productive and helps them maintain greater focus.
Encourage the kids to make easy breakfasts like milk and cornflakes and bread and butter to help them become more independent.
Encourage them to work independently on simple tasks like dressing in uniform, packing their lunchboxes, and placing books and copies in their bags in the right order.
Instruct your child to say "good morning" and "bye" as they get up and head out the door for school. Children should learn these basic good manners.